# Filename: A05_air_track_cursorTethers.py # Written by: James D. Miller # Python import sys, os import pygame import datetime # PyGame Constants from pygame.locals import * from pygame.color import THECOLORS #===================================================================== # Classes #===================================================================== class Client: def __init__(self, cursorString_color): self.cursor_location_px = (0,0) # x_px, y_px self.mouse_button = 1 # 1, 2, or 3 self.buttonIsStillDown = False self.cursorString_color = cursorString_color self.selected_car = None # Define the nature of the cursor strings, one for each mouse button. self.mouse_strings = {'string1':{'c_drag': 2.0, 'k_Npm': 60.0}, 'string2':{'c_drag': 0.2, 'k_Npm': 2.0}, 'string3':{'c_drag': 20.0, 'k_Npm': 1000.0}} def calc_tether_forces_on_cars(self): # Calculated the string forces on the selected car and add to the aggregate # that is stored in the car object. # Only check for a selected car if one isn't already selected. This keeps # the car from unselecting if cursor is dragged off the car! if (self.selected_car == None): if self.buttonIsStillDown: self.selected_car = air_track.checkForCarAtThisPosition(self.cursor_location_px) # If a car is selected else: if not self.buttonIsStillDown: # Unselect the car and bomb out of here. self.selected_car.selected = False self.selected_car = None return None # If button is down, calculate the forces on the car. else: # Use dx difference to calculate the hooks law force being applied by the tether line. # If you release the mouse button after a drag it will fling the car. # This tether force will diminish as the car gets closer to the mouse point. dx_m = env.m_from_px( self.cursor_location_px[0]) - self.selected_car.center_m stringName = "string" + str(self.mouse_button) self.selected_car.cursorString_spring_force_N += dx_m * self.mouse_strings[stringName]['k_Npm'] self.selected_car.cursorString_carDrag_force_N += (self.selected_car.v_mps * (-1) * self.mouse_strings[stringName]['c_drag']) def draw_cursor_string(self): car_center_xy_px = (env.px_from_m(self.selected_car.center_m), self.selected_car.center_y_px) pygame.draw.line(game_window.surface, self.cursorString_color, car_center_xy_px, self.cursor_location_px, 1) class GameWindow: def __init__(self, screen_tuple_px): self.width_px = screen_tuple_px[0] self.height_px = screen_tuple_px[1] # Create a reference to display's surface object. This object is a pygame "surface". # Screen dimensions in pixels (tuple) self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_tuple_px) # Define the physics-world boundaries of the window. self.left_m = 0.0 self.right_m = env.m_from_px(self.width_px) # Paint screen black. self.erase_and_update() def update_caption(self, title): pygame.display.set_caption(title) self.caption = title def erase_and_update(self): # Useful for shifting between the various demos. self.surface.fill(THECOLORS["black"]) pygame.display.flip() class Detroit: def __init__(self, color=THECOLORS["white"], left_px=10, width_px=26, height_px=98, v_mps=1): self.color = color self.height_px = height_px self.top_px = game_window.height_px - self.height_px self.width_px = width_px # Use y midpoint for drawing the cursor line. self.center_y_px = int(round( float(game_window.height_px - self.height_px) + float(self.height_px)/2.0) ) # For use with cursor-tethers selection. self.selected = False self.width_m = env.m_from_px( width_px) self.halfwidth_m = self.width_m/2.0 self.height_m = env.m_from_px( height_px) # Initialize the position and velocity of the car. These are affected by the # physics calcs in the Track. self.center_m = env.m_from_px(left_px) + self.halfwidth_m self.v_mps = v_mps # Aggregate type forces acting on car. self.cursorString_spring_force_N = 0 self.cursorString_carDrag_force_N = 0 self.density_kgpm2 = 600.0 self.m_kg = self.height_m * self.width_m * self.density_kgpm2 # Increment the car count. This class variable is shared amoung all instances of the # car class. air_track.carCount += 1 # Name this car based on this air_track attribute. self.name = air_track.carCount print "New car name =", self.name # Create a rectangle object based on these dimensions # Left: distance from the left edge of the screen in px. # Top: distance from the top edge of the screen in px. self.rect = pygame.Rect(left_px, self.top_px, self.width_px, self.height_px) def draw_car(self): # Update the pixel position of the car's rectangle object to match the value # controlled by the physics calculations. self.rect.centerx = env.px_from_m( self.center_m) # Draw the main rectangle. pygame.draw.rect(game_window.surface, self.color, self.rect) class AirTrack: def __init__(self): # Initialize the list of cars. self.cars = [] self.carCount = 0 # Coefficients of restitution. self.coef_rest_base = 0.90 # Useful for reseting things. self.coef_rest_car = self.coef_rest_base self.coef_rest_wall = self.coef_rest_base # Component of gravity along the length of the track. self.gbase_mps2 = 9.8/20.0 # one 20th of g. self.g_mps2 = self.gbase_mps2 self.color_transfer = False self.collision_count = 0 self.fix_wall_stickiness = True # False True self.fix_car_stickiness = True # False True def checkForCarAtThisPosition(self, cursor_location_xy): x_px = cursor_location_xy[0] y_px = cursor_location_xy[1] x_m = env.m_from_px(x_px) for car in self.cars: if (((x_m > car.center_m - car.halfwidth_m) and (x_m < car.center_m + car.halfwidth_m)) and (y_px > game_window.height_px - car.height_px)): car.selected = True return car return None def update_SpeedandPosition(self, car, dt_s): # Add up all the forces on the car. car_forces_N = (car.m_kg * self.g_mps2) + (car.cursorString_spring_force_N + car.cursorString_carDrag_force_N ) # Calculate the acceleration based on the forces and Newton's law. car_acc_mps2 = car_forces_N / car.m_kg # Calculate the velocity at the end of this time step. v_end_mps = car.v_mps + (car_acc_mps2 * dt_s) # Calculate the average velocity during this timestep. v_avg_mps = (car.v_mps + v_end_mps)/2.0 # Use the average velocity to calculate the new position of the car. # Physics note: v_avg*t is equivalent to (v*t + (1/2)*acc*t^2) car.center_m = car.center_m + (v_avg_mps * dt_s) # Assign the final velocity to the car. car.v_mps = v_end_mps # Reset the aggregate forces. car.cursorString_spring_force_N = 0 car.cursorString_carDrag_force_N = 0 def check_for_collisions(self): # Collisions with walls. # Enumerate so can efficiently check car-car collisions below. for i, car in enumerate(self.cars): # Collisions with Left and Right wall. # If left-edge of the car is less than... OR If right-edge of car is greater than... if ((car.center_m - car.width_m/2.0) < game_window.left_m) or ((car.center_m + car.width_m/2.0) > game_window.right_m): self.collision_count += 1 if self.fix_wall_stickiness: self.correct_wall_penetrations(car) car.v_mps = -car.v_mps * self.coef_rest_wall # This makes use of the "enumerate"d for loop above. # In doing so, it avoids checking the self-self case and avoids checking pairs twice # like (2 with 3) and (3 with 2). # Example checks: (1 with 2,3,4,5), (2 with 3,4,5), (3 with 4,5), (4 with 5) etc... for ocar in self.cars[i+1:]: # Check for overlap with other rectangle. if (abs(car.center_m - ocar.center_m) < (car.halfwidth_m + ocar.halfwidth_m)): self.collision_count += 1 if self.color_transfer == True: (car.color, ocar.color) = (ocar.color, car.color) # Prevent sticking to other cars. if self.fix_car_stickiness: self.correct_car_penetrations(car, ocar) # Calculate the new post-collision velocities. (car.v_mps, ocar.v_mps) = self.car_and_ocar_vel_AFTER_collision( car, ocar) def car_and_ocar_vel_AFTER_collision(self, car, ocar, CR=None): # If no override CR is provided, use the car's value. if (CR == None): CR = self.coef_rest_car # Calculate the AFTER velocities. car_vel_AFTER_mps = ( (CR * ocar.m_kg * (ocar.v_mps - car.v_mps) + car.m_kg*car.v_mps + ocar.m_kg*ocar.v_mps)/ (car.m_kg + ocar.m_kg) ) ocar_vel_AFTER_mps = ( (CR * car.m_kg * (car.v_mps - ocar.v_mps) + car.m_kg*car.v_mps + ocar.m_kg*ocar.v_mps)/ (car.m_kg + ocar.m_kg) ) return (car_vel_AFTER_mps, ocar_vel_AFTER_mps) def correct_wall_penetrations(self, car): penetration_left_x_m = game_window.left_m - (car.center_m - car.halfwidth_m) if penetration_left_x_m > 0: car.center_m += 2 * penetration_left_x_m penetration_right_x_m = (car.center_m + car.halfwidth_m) - game_window.right_m if penetration_right_x_m > 0: car.center_m -= 2 * penetration_right_x_m def correct_car_penetrations(self, car, ocar): relative_spd_mps = abs(car.v_mps - ocar.v_mps) penetration_m = (car.halfwidth_m + ocar.halfwidth_m) - abs(car.center_m - ocar.center_m) penetration_time_s = penetration_m / relative_spd_mps # First, back up the two cars, to their collision point, along their incoming trajectory paths. # Use BEFORE collision velocities here! car.center_m -= car.v_mps * penetration_time_s ocar.center_m -= ocar.v_mps * penetration_time_s # Calculate the velocities along the normal AFTER the collision. Use a CR (coefficient of restituion) # of 1 here to better avoid stickiness. (car_vel_AFTER_mps, ocar_vel_AFTER_mps) = self.car_and_ocar_vel_AFTER_collision( car, ocar, CR=1.0) # Finally, travel another penetration time worth of distance using these AFTER-collision velocities. # This will put the cars where they should have been at the time of collision detection. car.center_m += car_vel_AFTER_mps * penetration_time_s ocar.center_m += ocar_vel_AFTER_mps * penetration_time_s def make_some_cars(self, nmode): # Update the caption at the top of the pygame window frame. game_window.update_caption("Air Track (basic): Demo #" + str(nmode)) if (nmode == 1): air_track.g_mps2 = 0 air_track.carCount = 0 self.cars.append( Detroit(color=THECOLORS["red" ], left_px = 240, width_px=26, v_mps= 0.2)) self.cars.append( Detroit(color=THECOLORS["blue"], left_px = 340, width_px=26, v_mps= -0.2)) elif (nmode == 2): air_track.g_mps2 = air_track.gbase_mps2 air_track.carCount = 0 self.cars.append( Detroit(color=THECOLORS["yellow" ], left_px = 240, width_px=26, v_mps= -0.1)) self.cars.append( Detroit(color=THECOLORS["green"], left_px = 440, width_px=50, v_mps= -0.2)) elif (nmode == 3): air_track.carCount = 0 air_track.g_mps2 = 0 self.cars.append( Detroit(color=THECOLORS["yellow" ], left_px = 240, width_px=26, v_mps= -0.1)) self.cars.append( Detroit(color=THECOLORS["green"], left_px = 440, width_px=50, v_mps= -0.2)) class Environment: def __init__(self, length_px, length_m): self.px_to_m = length_m/float(length_px) self.m_to_px = (float(length_px)/length_m) # Add a local (non-network) client to the client dictionary. self.clients = {'local':Client(THECOLORS["green"])} # Convert from meters to pixels def px_from_m(self, dx_m): return int(round(dx_m * self.m_to_px)) # Convert from pixels to meters def m_from_px(self, dx_px): return float(dx_px) * self.px_to_m def get_local_user_input(self): # Get all the events since the last call to get(). for event in pygame.event.get(): if (event.type == pygame.QUIT): return 'quit' elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN): if (event.key == K_ESCAPE): return 'quit' elif (event.key==K_1): return 1 elif (event.key==K_2): return 2 elif (event.key==K_3): return 3 elif (event.key==K_s): air_track.fix_wall_stickiness = not air_track.fix_wall_stickiness air_track.fix_car_stickiness = not air_track.fix_car_stickiness elif (event.key==K_c): air_track.color_transfer = not air_track.color_transfer else: return "Nothing set up for this key." elif (event.type == pygame.KEYUP): pass elif (event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN): self.clients['local'].buttonIsStillDown = True (button1, button2, button3) = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if button1: self.clients['local'].mouse_button = 1 elif button2: self.clients['local'].mouse_button = 2 elif button3: self.clients['local'].mouse_button = 3 else: self.clients['local'].mouse_button = 0 elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: self.clients['local'].buttonIsStillDown = False self.clients['local'].mouse_button = 0 if self.clients['local'].buttonIsStillDown: # If it down, get the cursor position. self.clients['local'].cursor_location_px = (mouseX, mouseY) = pygame.mouse.get_pos() #============================================================ # Main procedural functions. #============================================================ def main(): # A few globals. global env, game_window, air_track # Initiate pygame pygame.init() # Tuple to define window dimensions window_size_px = window_width_px, window_height_px = 950, 120 # Instantiate an Environment object for converting back and forth from pixels and meters. # The also creates the local client. env = Environment(window_width_px, 1.5) # Instantiate the window. game_window = GameWindow(window_size_px) # Instantiate an air track (this adds an empty car list to the track). air_track = AirTrack() # Make some cars (run demo #1). air_track.make_some_cars(1) # Instantiate clock to help control the framerate. myclock = pygame.time.Clock() # Control the framerate. framerate_limit = 400 time_s = 0.0 user_done = False while not user_done: # Erase everything. game_window.surface.fill(THECOLORS["black"]) # Get the delta t for one frame (this changes depending on system load). dt_s = float(myclock.tick(framerate_limit) * 1e-3) # Check for user initiated stop or demo change. resetmode = env.get_local_user_input() if (resetmode in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]): print "reset mode =", resetmode # This should remove all references to the cars and effectively deletes them. air_track.cars = [] # Now just black everything out and update the screen. game_window.erase_and_update() # Build new set of cars based on the reset mode. air_track.make_some_cars( resetmode) elif (resetmode == 'quit'): user_done = True elif (resetmode != None): print resetmode # Calculate client related forces. for client_name in env.clients: env.clients[client_name].calc_tether_forces_on_cars() # Update velocity and x position of each car based on the dt_s for this frame. for car in air_track.cars: air_track.update_SpeedandPosition(car, dt_s) # Check for collisions and apply collision physics to determine resulting # velocities. air_track.check_for_collisions() print "Collision count =", air_track.collision_count, air_track.fix_wall_stickiness, air_track.fix_car_stickiness # Draw the car at the new position. for car in air_track.cars: car.draw_car() # Draw cursor strings. for client_name in env.clients: if (env.clients[client_name].selected_car != None): env.clients[client_name].draw_cursor_string() # Update the total time since starting. time_s += dt_s # Make this update visible on the screen. pygame.display.flip() #============================================================ # Run the main program. #============================================================ main()